21 maio 2008

you know how us, Catholic girls, can be. we make up for so much time (a little too late). I never forgot it, confusing as it was: "no fun with no guilt feelings" [the sinners, the saviors, the loverless priests - I'll see you next Sunday]

we all had our reasons to be there, we all had a thing or two to learn.
we all needed something to cling to.
so we did

[I sang Alleluia in the choir. I confessed my darkest deeds to an envious man. my brothers, they never went blind for what they did -but I may as well have]

in the name of the Father, the Skeptic and the Son, I had one more stupid question

what I learned, I rejected, "but I believe again", I will suffer the consequence of this inquisition (If I jump in this fountain, will I be forgiven?)

we all had delusions in our head, we all had our minds made up for us. we had to belive in something.
so we did

1 comentários:

Manuela disse...

não há canção melhor para se gritar bem alto!


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